My preliminary research will be based on survey. I created it and sent it to prospective future users of my service. The original survey is on Russian, but I copied it and translated into English for you to have a look
I made it short (9 questions only), first, because surveymonkey allows you to only have 10 questions with basic account, and second, because, I don't think a lot of people would respond to longer survey...
This is preliminary research to get to know the audience, their tastes and demands which will allow me to continue with the research and building the service.
I have already got 7 responses, I will close the survey on Friday. We'll see what the results will be :)
Охота на глухаря - Охота на глухаря. Глухарь — одна из самых крупных наших птиц — всегда был заветным охотничьим трофеем. очень классно написано